The SAFETeen partnership consists of 8 organizations from 5 different European countries.

country: GR
[ Coordinator ]
Hellenic Mediterranean University (HMU) is a Public Educational Institution. It provides undergraduate and Postgraduate Education, research, and direct contribution to the regional and broader development of Crete and the Country, through lifelong learning, offering high-profile technological and consultancy services to the industry, and technology transfer. HMU, With its ca. 400 highly qualified teaching staff and fully adequate technical and clerical staff, provides high-quality education (documented by all external evaluators) to more than 14,500 students. Education is delivered at the base campus in Heraklion City and 4 branches in the towns of Crete (Chania, Rethymnon, Aghios Nikolaos, and Sitia). Degree Courses comprise Engineering and Informatics, Business Administration and Economics, Agriculture, Health and Social Sciences- The Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS, is affiliated with the Department of Social Work Hellenic Mediterranean University. LaHeRS is a leading research entity in Greece in the area of human performance in road safety. Its work is unique in Greece and is focused basically on the study of driving performance and the psychological processes underlying that behavior. LaHeRS has been using a Wide range of theories and methodologies to test and elaborate the driving task, driver perception, and cognition seeking to develop road accident countermeasures. LaHeRS for the last IO years possesses a “Virage VS500M” driving simulator, which is built with the most advanced simulation software available in the industry, using a sophisticated driver environment built with actual car components providing a realistic feel of all controls- The simulator has been a useful tool in information, education and scientific research on driving performance and road safety.

country: GR
Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH)
The Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas (FORTH) is one of the largest research centers in Greece With well-organized facilities and highly qualified staff. It functions under the supervision of the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation of the Ministry of Development and Investments. The Foundation, with its high quality research results as well as its valuable socioeconomic contribution, makes it one of the top research centres internationally. The Institute of Computer Science (FORTH-ICS), one of the six institutes of FORTH, has a relatively long history and recognized tradition, since its establishment in 1983, in conducting basic and applied research, developing applications and products, providing services, and playing a leading role in Greece and internationally, in the fields of Informatics and Communication Technologies- FORTH-ICS is organized in Research Laboratories, each of which conducts basic and applied research and high-quality technological applications, focused on thematic areas, but also interdisciplinary with an interdisciplinary approach, develops original products and provides services. It has high-technology equipment and is staffed with specialized scientific and technical staff. In this context, FORTH-ICS is active in the following sectors: Information Systems, Human-Computer Interaction, Universal Access and Support Technologies, Diffuse Intelligence and Smart Environments, Cultural Informatics, Computer Medicine, Electronic Health, Bio-Informatics, Computational Vision and Robotics, VLSI Computer and Systems Architecture, Signal Processing, Distributed Computer Systems, Telecommunications and Networks. The Computational BioMedicine Laboratory (CBML) of FORTH focuses on the development of novel ICT technologies in the wider context of personalized, predictive and preventive medicine, integrated care, risk stratification, user empowerment and collaborative environments, through its participation in EU projects. Our activities cover important research and development areas, taking into consideration new perspectives, emerging fields of research, and technological challenges worldwide- Its research activities focus on the development of innovative computer methods and tools in the areas of medical and biomedical informatics, eHealth, m-Health, medical imaging, and bioinformatics. Recently the lab has also focused its R&D activities on health early warning, emergency management, and geolocalization systems. It has been engaged in the EU POSEIDON 2011 — exercising tne activation of the EU civil protection mechanism and the PACES project (Preparedness for Appropriate Accommodation in Emergency Shelters), also funded by the EU Civil Protection Financial Instrument. FORTH was the Coordinator of the NEREIDs project concerning the development of ICT learning tools and training in marine pollution and civil protection issues, as well as for the Sea4All Erasmus* funded project (Enhancing critical thinking in schools for marine pollution using innovative ICT) In FORTH-ICS, work about 440 employees both highly experienced technical staff and recognized research staff FORTH-ICS has participated in more than 650 Research Projects (European, national) related to Informatics and Computer Science.

country: ES
University of Valencia (UV)
The University of Valencia – Estudy General is the largest University in the Valencian Community and one of the largest in Spain- It serves approximately 46000 students and employs about 3500 professors and lecturers and 1719 administrative and general services personnel. Institutes of Research at the UVEG are structures devoted to specific topics regarded as especially important for the goals of the university. The Institute of Traffic Safety and Road Safety (INTRAS) is a research center located at the University of Valencia in Spain. It was created in 2004 to promote research, training, and knowledge transfer in the field of traffic and road safety. INTRAS is comprised of a multidisciplinary team of researchers who work on a variety of projects related to traffic and road safety, including road infrastructure design, human factors in traffic, accident analysis, and education and awareness campaigns. The Institute collaborates with different public and private entities, including the Spanish Ministry of Interior, the Valencia Regional Government, and the European Commission, among others-

country: IT
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Toscana
The Regional School Office of Tuscany is a peripheral branch of the Italian Ministry of Education; headed by the Director General, and is structured into 12 executive offices. Its main task is to ensure the implementation of national provisions in the field of education and training and compliance with minimum performance requirements and standards of education in Tuscany. It has competencies in the fields of education, vocational education and training, and adult education- It is the functional link between the Ministry and the autonomous schools (more than 600 of different grades: pre-primary, primary, secondary schools, centers for school education for adults). It supports the school in the planning and implementation of educational programs, also in cooperation with local authorities and other stakeholders, and the development of school networks. In particular, Office III supports the planning of educational institutions aimed at enriching the educational offer; it deals with inclusion policies, relations between education and the labor market, evaluation of the education system, European policies, the tight against school drop-out, digital innovation, and adult education. The Regional School Office is also responsible for the training of teachers and headmasters.
Learners: 470.000
Staff: 43,000 (teachers) 12,500 (other staff)

country: GR
The Regional Directorate of Primary and Secondary Education of Crete, Situated in the city of Heraklion, is one of the thirteen Regional Education Directorates under the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs. It is responsible for the administration and the scientific and pedagogical guidance of education in the area of Crete, thus supervising the Regional Quality Supervisor for Primary and Secondary Education in Crete, as well as the Interdisciplinary evaluation, counseling, and support centers (KEDASY) and the Environmental Education Centers (KEPEA). From a practical point of view, RDPSE of Crete has a capacity of 35 employees Who are working either as permanent staff or as posted teachers on administration duty. Moreover, it is in charge of primary and secondary schools and their teaching staff in the whole region of Crete, i.e. schools in the regional districts of Heraklion, Chania, Lassithi, and Rethymno. More specifically, RDPSEC has under its supervision 994 schools and approximately 108.000 students, whereas the total number of teaching staff amounts to 13.898 primary and secondary school teachers. Regarding European collaborations, RDPSEC has been actively involved in various projects and therefore gained significant experience in the implementation of European programs that offer teaching proposals and innovative educational tools on important and challenging topics that are also priorities of Erasmus + programs. In recent years, RDPSEC has collaborated with schools all over Crete and their teachers, who are always willing to explore new ideas and challenges for the benefit of their students, and together have implemented a variety of European programs dealing with diverse issues such as equality, discrimination, bullying, refugees, digital literacy and enhancement of digital skills, coding, and robotics.

country: FI
The University of Turku (IJTIJ) is a multidisciplinary and internationally competitive university dedicated to high-level scientific research. UTU is recognized for the quality of its research and teaching, and its excellent support services. As one of the leading universities in Finland, I-JTLJ offers study and research opportunities in eight faculties (Education, Humanities, Law, Medicine, Science, Social Sciences, Technology, and Turku School of Economics- In the international QS ranking, University of Turku is ranked as the 291st best university in the world, and the third best in Finland (QS Ranking 2023).
Today, the University of Turku has over 22,000 students and over 3,300 staff members (10.7% international, 59.6% female). As of 2021, external funding covers 37.3% of its total annual funds of 280.6 million euros. UTU actively cooperates with international partners- It is a member of the Coimbra Group, a network of prestigious universities in Europe. Almost 2,300 international students from over 100 countries study annually at IJTIJ.

country: CY
The Ministry of Education, Sport, and Youth is responsible for both public and private education in Cyprus and monitors the three departments of Education, the Department of Primary Education, the Department of General Secondary Education, and the Department of Secondary Technical and Vocational Education.
The Department of General Secondary Education has a wide range of responsibilities such as the implementation of the regulations for the schools, educational planning and teachers’ placement in schools, training of students and adults, organizing educational conferences and training workshops for teachers and students, cooperating with various bodies, services, and organizations, in and outside Cyprus, etc. Secondary Education is is provided to students aged 12 – 18 years old and is offered through two 3-year cycles (Gymnasium and Lyceum). The two cycles include cross-curricular programs (Health Education, Environmental Education, etc.) as well as a variety of extracurricular activities (excursions, Visits, participation in student exchange programs, etc.) to achieve a global and balanced development of the student’s personality. Currently, there are 64 Gymnasiums (middle schools) and 38 Lyceums (high schools) all over Cyprus. Education is free in public schools for all classes and compulsory until the age of 15 or the completion of the first cycle, whichever comes first.
In Primary Education, during the 2022-2023 school year, 50,038 children study in public Primary Schools, 12.803 in public Kindergartens, and 537 in Special Schools, 4.583 Teachers are employed in Primary Education, 871 Teachers in Pre- Primary Education, and I.069 Teachers Special Education teachers. In Secondary Education, during the 2022-2023 year, a total of 41.305 students studied, of which 23.983 studied in the Gymnasium and 17,322 in the Lyceum.
The total number of Secondary General Education teachers that are employed is 6.583, while a small number of additional contract teacher appointments are expected before the start of the school year.

country: CY
Frederick IJniversity (FredLJ) is one of the six recognised private Universities operating in the Republic of Cyprus. It is an energetic and vibrant university, enjoying respect and recognition both nationally and internationally. FredlJ offers a broad range of academic programmes of study in diverse areas such as Science, Engineering, Business, Arts, Architecture, Media, Humanities, Health, and Education and has a strong focus on academic research, being one of the leading research organizations in the country. The University comprises of 5 Schools and 12 Departments and is recognized as a university that offers novel and innovative programs of study (more than 75) that address societal needs and, primarily, as a university that exhibits high social sensitivity and responsibility. FredU employs about 290 (fte) faculty, With 4500 students enrolled on average, and operates from two campuses, in Nicosia and Limassol. FredlJ has also developed the necessary experience and e-learning infrastructure to offer accredited programs to study through Distance Learning. The research initiatives and activities that are being carried out by its faculty, place the I-Jniversity among the most successful organizations in Cyprus concerning the level of financial support received for projects from external sources through competitive national and European programs, including LLP, LIFE, FP7, H2020, ERASMUS* and trom Regional Funds. Social Work Department is the first established Social Work Department in Cyprus. The Department has been involved in numerous studies since its establishment in 2000. Most of them were funded by EIJ Solidarity Funds (e.g. EU-European Refuge Fund and EU-Integration Fund) and national organisations (e.g. Ministry of Interior and Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance). In addition, staff has participated in various European consortiums and networks promoting awareness of intimate partner violence. Moreover, staff has been involved in a number of different studies regarding intimate partner violence, child trafficking, disabilities, and issues regarding refugees and third-country immigrants. The skills and expertise of key staff involved in the project are presented hereby.